Friday, February 19, 2010

im a mover.....

ive grown off my course.
and i think tumblr looks cooler.

so yeah,

link -->

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Don't Play With Spiders....

I saw the beast.

all I can say is,,,

"Holy Shit".

im so happy i don't live where they do.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 far so

good and bad. :|

Yesterday was my 16th birthday.
you expect me to tell you about some extravagant party that i had with loads of guests
and pictures telling you how awesome it was and how you should have been there.

i spent my 16th birthday in the hospital.
apparently i have tonsilitious, yay!
good thing im not getting my tonsils removed.

they gave me a shot and told me to take some antibiotics.
dude those pills look like barney, they're purple and like a sea foam green
and then these other things that i have to take a million times a day.
i don't know what they are for.
but doctor knows best, right. :)
but if i take them like directed, i should be better by the weekend.

the good thing.
im starting off the year with a significant other.
(can't call it a relationship yet, but its got potiental)
as of 12/26/09 11:11pm
^that's iroic

I don't have any new years resolutions,
because if i say i want to do them......
i wont.
so if i don't make any, all my dreams will come true.

I plan to celebrate my birthday on the 9th,
which happens to be a saturday.
other than being sick on my birthday, keep in mind
who on earth does anything on a Tuesday???

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tomorrow, after the festivities.

the other festivities begin....

Im going out with a bang. :)
my tomorrow will be the best days of the year.
to be with my other family
and enjoying the music
yeah, that's what i wanna do

if i could bring you too,
you would totally come with me.
if you ever go to a rave.
you'll never have so much fun in your life.

i guarantee it

Merry Fucking Christmas

in a world of cheer and bliss today.
i realize.
i really don't like christmas.
not at all.
i like the whole presents thing, and doing nothing
but the overall everything else.
can suck it.

Santa....Fuck you.

Now, New Years :)
That's a different story.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh it's great for an acid trip...

boohbah. This used to come on after Sesame Street.

and I would watch it all the time.
but this was when I was in 9th grade, I was drawn to it.
I just found it interesting.
It's like Alice in Wonderland and the Teletubbies had a baby and went to a rave.

For all those druggies out there.
If you watch this......
you will thank me. :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm Awake...

and it's boring.

(n) inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp.
when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.

I've had Insomnia for years.
I don't take medication for it (cause I'm afraid of sleeping pills)
I haven't had a good night sleep for 4 whole days.
Sunday, on the other hand, I went to sleep at 6:30 in the morning......

and then I woke back up at 9
yet, my body thinks three hours of sleep is enough. I DON'T
I feel like a vampire sleeping in the daytime and up all night.

next thing you know,
people will think I like Twilight.
*shudders* I don't want to think about it.

That's what I'm doing.
Being sleep deprived.
and despising every minute of it.